Push-Up Stand competition

Gymnastics Organized By: Matrbhumi Sports Club

Rs. 49 per player

26/Jan/2021 - 26/Jan/2021


dhanpur chandauli u.p.232105

When to do a Push-up stand?
Like all compound activities, sunrise morning is considered the best time for sun-salutation. The Suryanamaskar should always be practiced on an empty stomach in an open ventilated place, on an empty stomach. It gives the full effect of yoga only if the mind is peaceful and happy.

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The push-up stand is considered to be the best among yogasanas, it is also known as all-round exercise. Only its regular practice is able to give the person the benefit of complete yoga exercise. The person's body becomes healthy and healthy by its practice. 'Push-up stand' is also said to be useful for women, men, hair, young and old people.

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1: Body weakness:

If there is a weakness in the body due to chronic disease or chronic disease or bone weakness/bone weakness
Push-up stands do not take steps, in such a situation it is very important to consult your doctor.

2: Heart-related problems/diseases:

Push-up stand steps should not be taken in severe cardiovascular diseases. If you used to do this before the disease and are thinking of doing it then remember that your doctor's consent is very important to do it again otherwise you may face trouble.

And if your doctor agrees to do Push-up stand steps again, then try to do it under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

3: High blood pressure / High B.P:

Even if you are suffering from high b.p, you should not take Push-up stand steps without doctor's advice.

If you are not old, then in such a condition, you should ask the doctor to do a few rounds of Push-up stand steps slowly. Do not force or hurry in it at all.

4: Spinal Disorders or Low Back Pain:
If you have any type of disease in your spinal cord or have low back pain due to any injury or any other reason, do not do Push-up stand steps in such a situation.
Because doing this causes a spinal injury, which can cause you pain and discomfort.
If an injury has resulted in low back pain and several days have passed, then start practicing it slowly on the advice of your doctor.

5: During fever or illness: During Fever or illness:

Because at such a time the body remains weak, it is not right to do more labor.

6: Arthritis / Swollen Joints:

If a person is suffering from arthritis or swelling in the joints or has problems in the knees/knees, do not do Push-up stand even in such a situation or do it very comfortably in the presence of an instructor.

7: Wrist injury / Wrist-Injury:

Push-up stand steps wrist. / Wrist comes on top, so do not do Surya Namaskar during wrist injury.

So you all saw that Surya Push-up stand are very easy to do, if you learn them properly from a qualified instructor and make them a part of your routine, then you will feel yourself that with the communication of new energy and power - Also getting relief from stress.

Just take care of some precautions that I have told you so that you may have Push-up stand benefits, but there is no loss due to any negligence.

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